Sunday, February 28, 2010

Welcome to the Future

The title is actually a quote from Brad Paisley's song "Welcome to the future". You know me, I love Brad Paisley. His song's make me laugh, some make me sad (well I don't cry unless I'm really mad/aggrivated.), some make me just crack up, some make me smile because he reminds me of me sometimes and my day dreamin self. :D

Anyways. I titled the post "Welcome to the Future" for a reason, just so you know. The reason being is, I'm excited for life! I'm excited for what the future brings, for what this summer brings! Heck for what this YEAR brings!

I'll list some things I'm excited for, and you might shake your head and ask, "Uuhumm..whyyy? Just..whhhhhhhhhhhhy?". Or perhaps, "Wha? How does that work,"? Just ignore any of those confusing ones that well confuse you. You know me! I'm strange-you know that if you're a regular reader, or ya know me personally. There's no doubt about my weirdness. So, just go along with it ok? Some of it is because I've just never experienced something like it before.

  1. I'm excited to get my permit
  2. I'm excited to get my license before this summer
  3. I'm excited to be driving everywhere this summer
  4. I'm excited for making money by writing articles and having Dad bid on jobs for me!!
  5. I'm excited to save money, and to have some extra pocket money to go shopping..and all (:
  6. I'm excited for this summer and what kind of adventures it will bring, such as..
  9. Biking, ROLLAR BLADING,..who knows maybe white water rafting!?
  10. Maybe camping? WHO KNOWS?
  11. Maybe a trip to Cali!?
  12. Maybe having a friend visit out here in ID? WHO KNOWS?
  13. Painting my room and the upstairs bathroom!! Which means I might move into Jami's room and she'll take my room...I think all of us might move into different rooms this year. Just because we've found out which ones work better/we like better.
  14. The books I'm going to be reading this year! Due to my self-making-list
  15. My attempt to wear dresses and skirts the majority of this summer...(I have to build up that area of my wardrobe though..I have quite a few dresses but not 'nuff..and I have zero skirts)
  16. And hopefully this summer/year I'll be hanging out more with my friends then last summer. Now that I actually have made some friends here in Idaho! ;p
  17. dieting..only that's happening the second week of March. (: And working out.
  18. Hopefully getting to know our pastor's family more-this year!!
  19. The new music artists I'll be exploring
  20. TIM MCGRAW CONCERT! (I'm planning on going..but I have to have money by then..)
The end!

I mean I have tons of stuff I'm excited about so much it's crazy. My mind is bursting with excitement1

Anything fun/cool/interesting/exciting planned this spring OR summer if ya will!?

3 cheers for being excited!,

~Lissie Darcy

The Joys of Spring and New Favorites

I changed the order of favorite "stores" on my list:

2.Forever 21
3.Urban Outfitters


Oh and I've converted from Starbucks coffee to "The Flying M" coffee. The richness of the coffee grounds is so good! It's definitely more coffeeish then Starbucks.

It's such a beautiful day today. I had a wonderful time with a wonderful friend who took me out to Boise and we went to Anthro, and Urban Outfitters, and I tried Flying M for the first time today. IT's so beautiful out it's sunny, and blue, and warm*er*.

I have a feeling spring's going to be coming very soon because I've been having allergies lately. Itchy eyes, runny nose, very itchy nose, and sneezing. It's rediculous!

I'm looking forward to spring because
  • Spring cleaning that's going to get done. We have a lot of cleaning! And it's nice because spring cleaning doesn't consist of the "everyday" stuff. It consists of the "odd cleanings" such as the tops of the cabinents that are RIGHT above the stove top. You know that's where all the steam and grease from whatever you're cooking goes too. So I'm really excited for the "odd cleanings" we'll be doing!
  • Warmer weather, more frequent sunny days. Which means..
  • Dresses and skirts can be pulled out! I mean sure you might have to wear a light sweater/cardigan over your dress. But, at least you get to pull your dresses out!
  • Gardens. We had a garden 2 years ago. We wanted to have one this last spring we had but there were some complications around that time that prevented us from having one. :( This year though (I even heard it come out of my parents mouth several times lately and including my own mouth :D) we're determined to have one! And perhaps having one will keep us more motiviated in maintaining the weeds that pop up in our backyard. :D I want to have my own little corner where I can have my own little flower garden. I love flowers. I want lots of daises in mine, and tulips, and I don't know..lots of flowers. The best thing about flowers is you can be really random with them!
  • Spring break-oh wait we don't ever get a spring break. Haha. I actually could care less about spring break. I just like it because I can hang out with friends during that time since they're more "free" to do things that week.
  • Easter
  • Windy days. I love windy days for some reason. They remind me of days where I used to run bare foot in this park that has a huge field. I used to run from some friends house to the park because we had, every Friday these days called "park days". If on those days it was really windy, after all the "park day" games some of us would pull out our kites. I'd run bare foot in the grass with my kite, and after flying it a lot I'd lay in the grass with my hands behind my head and just sigh with delight at the wonders of God's creation.
  • Tea. It's still a good season to keep drinking hot tea. (:
  • Flip flops! I've already pulled mine out because I love flip flops. I could live in those things..probably because I used to ALWAYS go bare foot in Cali. To get me to wear shoes was-an accomplishment. I mean..obviously I'd wear shoes if I was going somewhere. But, being at home I'd walk outside barefoot-always. (: I'll probably when I'm married, be one of those wives that are always "barefoot"...(and well the rest is barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. But-hem. I'm too young to be thinking of such things. :D)
I love spring. I just hate allergies. We get them pretty bad (esp me). I remember days in NC (it was reallly bad there probably because we weren't used to the climate there and all. :D Different type of pollen and all y'know.) and I'd have to have benadryl in the middle of the day just to make it through the day. Because the allergies there were so bad for me. I would play outside w/my friends or with Jules and Jake and then I'd be half asleep while being "outdoors" because I was so drowsy and groggy from the benadryl.

Anyways, I just love spring. My favorite seasons are really summer and fall. But I also love spring!

I'm excited! I'm excited for a lot of stuff, but that's another post for another time.

Here's to spring!,

~Elisabeth Darcy

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Phone update


Thanks for the prayers btw!


An Appology

I'm sorry to any of my peers--if I offended them or said something totally inappropriate. It was late last night that I wrote that post.

Also-I wasn't thinking of people I know SPECIFICALLY...more so just the whole "typical teen" thing. AND THEN...also some broken friendships with people I used to know.

So in essence-I wasn't and am NOT against my I hope I didn't come across as that.

Nor do I love "adults" more then "peers". It's just different between the two.

With Love,



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Love and Stalking #2!!!!!!!!

You may have remembered my previous "Love an Stalking" post. Well this is kind of a cross reference to it and a follow up to it!! Woohoo!

It just hit my Mom--and then afterwards I realized it (more so) too!! Let me start off first by saying I've been made fun of (more like in a jokingly admiringly way..if that makes sense..) for looking up to adults and making tons of adult friends--rather then peers. Here's how the convo went:

Mum to Dad: Too bad, like all of the people Lissie looks up to (/admires) is basically people our age.

Dad: What do you mean?

Mum: Well you know..One of the things she's looking forward to is hanging out with Evy Yadav (i.e. our Pastor's wife. She's one of the sweetest people..ever..).

Dad: *starts laughing* Oh. Yeah I see. I mean, "Come on Lissie, cant you get some friends your own age" (He was totally joking, and all of us were laughing..)

Me in my head: Yeah I pretty much stalk adults lol.

Me out loud: I know seriously!! I have very few peers who are REALLY close to me that I love dearly. (I listed them..) And then the majority of people I look up to as mentors and just plain flat out admire are adults (starts listing them)... I mean hey what can I say, they're all in my "posse". Lol.

Yeah sometimes I wonder if I scare adults or surprise them (I know I surprise some..), or if they love me back. If they don't oh well. They'll learn to love me, because I love them. Once you're in--[referring to my posse] YOU'RE in!~A quote from Confessions of a Shopaholic (Just watched that movie with my Nana, it was her first time and my millionth. Love that movie. I'm such a gal. :p )

It's true. Some of the people that I consider as dear friends are adults. Such as our pastor at our church and his wife (even though I'm still getting to know them. I'm sorry but they've already been adopted!), and my adopted Older Brother's Mummy. She's an amazing woman. I called her on her birthday--and wow. I won't ever forget the coversation. We talked about silly stuff, and about spiritual stuff. Or some of my blogging friends. 2 chaps, I wouldn't have known if it weren't for Dad debating on several other ppl's blogs about Christianity VS. Evolution.

The thing is I love my peers but I'm cursed. I'm telling you I AM. It's FREAKY. (ok I'm kidding) but I've learned that I can't cling to my peers as much because I if and when, I happen to lose them it hurts. I've had several friends I just lost--in the past 2 years. And it was very hard for me. That's the first and closest "hear-break" I've ever come to in my life. (i.e. I'm comparing to a heartbreak that a teenage girl my age, would typically have over a "breakup" with her boy friend. But, since we have different convictions/views on dating and having boy friends and the like, I've never had my heart broken by a boy. Thank goodness too. Life's hard enough without added on drama. When the time comes, I'll have my prince charming. :D ) Anyways. Yeah. And lately I've been having more, "drama" it seems with some peers.

The drama and stuff I hate that comes along with fellow teenage friends (that I've experienced)-
  • Having what seems like life-long friends and then convictions completely change-and so do people
  • Clicks..(is that how you would spell it-for this terminology I mean?) as in "if you aren't somehow involved in THIS" or "you don't like THIS, THIS AND THIS LIKE WE DO" then we can't be friends.
  • Idiocy. Yup I said it. Plain idiocy. Well sometimes it almost seems as if peers are going, "DUR.UHH..WHAT!? What..was that something poetical? was that a dream? was that a profound quote?..annd what am I suppose to do with that? Huh!? Eh? Say what?" It's like..come on. Haha. I'm kind of making fun of myself in this too.
  • FAKE*NESS* WHY..WHY...WHY..WHY x 25 do the fake people ALWAYS get the attention? Why do people BUY INTO that stuff!? Why does it ALWAYS feel like I'm the only one who can see it!? Or can everyone see it and everyone's just pretending? I crazy? (I know the answer!! To..the last one. It's I'M NOT. It's crystal clear--that person is FAKE. DUH. O.P.E.N. Y.O.U.R. E.Y.E.S!!) Which reminds me...
  • Why do the attention hungry people get the--ATTENTION! And why, when given attention (The WRONG kind of attention), do they grab for it greedily...? Do they really crave attention so..? Are they copping out so as to get the EASY way of getting..attention? Not caring it's the wrong kind?
  • One-sided-ness. Meaning you go a long, thinking you're friends and see this whole other side of them you didn't know..and then you REALIZE that "OH". It's been me, my part, my pursuit of this friendship.-Yeah. I've had that too.
  • Gossip, and untrustworthiness, as IN..You realize "Oh" they talk about "EVERYBODY" Duh. That means as soon as "I" turn "my" back they'll go on and talk about me!! And that's lovely..I just confided all my secrets with them..because we're "such" good friends. And therefore, you mark them with a big red X (no make that a big, fat, ugly "U" for UNTRUSTWORTHY) and then the friendship downfalls from there. Oh and did you notice it's a "red" "U" *x*? IF you haven't watched, "The Village" well, RED'S THE BAD COLOR! HA-HA! I'm so funny's sad that I laugh at my own jokes..ok moving on..
Jealousy. There's several kinds I'm sure. But the kind I've known about are 1) Where if you're friends with ANYONE else other then THAT friend--they're jealous and it's like you've committed a crime against them for the simple fact that: you are a person, a person likes to surround him/herself with other people, sometimes those "other" people means "other" friends as in "other" "than" "you". AND..2) Jealous. Of. You. Why? You don't know. But..they just are? It comes off as that? Everything's a competition. Everything's a, "that person likes me B-E-T-T-E-R!"..and you're just like..okkaaaaaayyy what just happened here?

Yeah. It sucks. That's some of the "CONS" of having peers as a friend. I can't wait to get out of this "teenage" stage. With being a "teenager" comes: Awkwardness, *It's weird unless you're not shy *as in non-social* like every OTHER teen*, upholding education and being looked down on if you DON'T have the same high standard/view of education that "THIS" person does, *it's weird when you're the new kid*, *it's weird if you don't act like a typical teen*, *it's weird if you don't like boys* (don't get me wrong. I'm not opposed to saying, "Yeah, he's cute" but I'm not going to stare at EVERY dang guy and, nor do I look at every guy so as to see if he's "Cute" or not. I'm not always aware of them like "that". It's rare if I am. The way I view them: They make great older brothers..(since I've always wanted one!!), *It's weird if you aren't starving yourself to look skinny* (luckily not too many people I've known/met who are like that..:D), *If you aren't loud and immature in front of other peers you're known and marked out as the "mature..freakishly weird one", *weird if you're a homeschooler (used to this one!)*, *WEIRD IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE AND PURSUE A DEGREE..* WHICH BRINGS ME TO:, *WEIRD IF YOU DREAM ABOUT HAVING KIDS AND A LITTLE YELLOW HOUSE AND A WONDERFUL HUSBAND TO LOVE, ETC.

Need I go on? However..I'm enjoying my childhood and these days of goofiness, and laughs with my siblings, and running bare foot out to the mail box to check the mail, and pajama days, and running down to nanas in 30 degree weather to show her my new lavender summer dress I got at Target, and whistling/humming in the dark because I'm afraid of the dark, and all my free time to read and do whatever, and standing in 20 degree weather with pant legs and long sleeves rolled up so as to get vitamin D *k* (I thought at the time it was called "vitamin k" lol!), and drinking cup after cup of tea, and confiding in my parents (although this shall continue to be so even when I'm grown up!), and sighing and rolling my eyes when I hear the weather forecast is going to be "snowy"..shoot!

What I enjoy in my adult friends:
  • Their wisdom
  • Their intellect, and williness to share it with the *speshul* 15 yo *stalker*
  • Their willing*ness* to listen to me-the 15 yo
  • Their encouragement
  • Their not mind*ingness* that I love them to death
  • Their beautifulness all in all!!
  • Letting me hug and kiss and play with their kids
  • Inviting me over to tea, or to go shopping with them followed by having coffee
  • Their advice
  • The fact that I can express my dreams to them without having the fear of an awkward silence..or perhaps a burst of nonsensical giggles...they listen and sometimes maybe..
  • They'll tell me their "dream" when they were my age, and then we can laugh
  • The stories they have to tell (sometimes really funny!!)
  • The time they give to it car pulling with it it teaching it-anything
  • Looking at them and wondering. Just wondering. Sometimes the eyes reveal much wisdom-all you have to do is look. And perhaps ask..which reminds me..
  • They allow me to TALK and talk AND TALK ..their ears off. But, probably because they know I know how to glue them back on. :D
  • The fact that they can be friends with me AND with my parents. That's just cool.
  • Their sense of hummor. So much more 1) profound 2) WAY less corny (most times ;P) then mine!! And my peers (sorry peers!) I mean seriously. I get a laugh at some of their facebook status messages. It's great!!
  • Their taste in music..(ok well that goes with everyone because I'm always ready to steal someone's music artist1 lol!)
The end.

Stuff I enjoy with peers:
  • Late nights/sleepovers
  • Parties
  • Laughs by the dozen about sometimes...nothing!!
  • All nighters!
  • The profound talks we have :D
  • The understanding since we go through the same stuff
  • The stupid stuff we do and share
  • Encouragement and prayer I get from them <3
  • The fun times we have together!
  • The ability to talk about spiritual things as well! (even if that means with certain friends, I'm thankful for those who I can talk about stuff like this with)
  • The, "I'm against click"ishness!! I said that
  • Our funny debates on silly things such as "is tea or coffee better"
  • Our sugar highs
  • Our love for benadryl (..inside joke)
  • Crazy pictures
And the list goes on. :D

So-if you're an adult and in my posse. I'M AINT STALKING YA!! I'm just admiring you, staring in your eyes like a creep, waiting for you to tell me a story like grandpa's do..but it has nothing to do with your age, thinking over and over how I "heart" you, wondering how I'll be when I'm your age and have as much wisdom as you, wishing I was more like you, possibly adopting you as a distantly related Uncle, possibly admiring your cool clothes, possibly wondering when we'll have tea next, possibly just thinking yur an all in all amazing person, possibly adopting you as my godparents, possibly mentally adding you as my mentor(s)!

(NOTE: I made the above paragraph sound creepy and stalkerish on purpose hopefully no adults were offended during the reading of this posts.-Or peers. I do love ya too.)

~Elisabeth Darcy

Monday, February 22, 2010

My New *Music* Favorites!

First off--a thanks to Ri, who helped me get in the mode of being-on-the-look-out-for-newbies (i.e. some more music artists)!! Thank you much, m'*blogging*friend!! Maybe we can be pen pals. (:

1. G. Love and Special Sauce Try some of their songs: Milk and Ceral, Cold Beverage, Shootin hoops, Soft 'n sweet, Honor and Harmony, and my all time fave of theirs: Baby's Got Sauce.
2.The Arctic Monkeys I've tried 'em out before but not enough to determine whether or not I liked them. (: Every song of theirs (pretty much) is enjoyable.
3.Franz Ferdinand Love them. They're just awesome. I really enjoy their station on Pandora Radio!
4.The Whigs OK I LOVE THEM!! Fave song of theirs? "Right hand on my heart"!! They seem like a Forrey band. (some friends of mine) SO here's a shout out to any Forrey's who may or may not be reading this post--HE-EY!! Hope you like 'em. Check 'em out.
5.The Whombats they're cool too!! I liked their energetic songs a lot. Haha.
6.The White Stripes DON'T FREAK OUT. It's only occasional. I don't listen to them on a regular basis. In fact, I used to DETEST them. With all my heart, might I add. But, they came on a couple times on one of my Pandora stations (can't's one of the music artists above..I think it was The Arctic Monkeys--oh yeah. It was. :) )
7.Flyleaf especially their song, "Again". I used to not be a rock person but then all of a sudden I guess I turned into one? I prefer mellow pop and stuff like Matt Nathanson, Jack Johnson, Colbie Caillat, etc. (AND CONTRY.) Which reminds me...
8. Kenney Chesney. I've always known about him per-say, but never been a big fan. Now I love him. Some songs: That's the good stuff, It's Summertime, I'm alive and well.
9.Muse I noticed several friends of mine lo-ove them. I never tried them out before. But, they came on the Franz Ferdinand Pandora station and I found out I liked pretty much every song that had come on of theirs.
10.The Strokes! I've always known about them, but I never really, "listened" to them if you know what I mean. I started to, randomly. They rock. If you like the killers, or the arctic monkeys, or modest mouse, you'll really like The Strokes!!
11.The Fratellis OK I just have to say, their album covers aren't the greatest. (Cartoonized..but still not the most appealing, or appropriate.) But, their music just blew my mind. I wanted to dance--but I was doing school. So I tapped my foot to the extreme. Yah. Let's put it that way. Haha.

I'm still trying out "train" (although I did really like their "Drops of Jupiter", thanks Ri!), and some other music artists.

That pretty much sums it up! I highly, HIGHLY recommend G. Love, and the Whigs, and Franz Ferdinand (and everybody goes: WHAT!? DUH, WE KNEW ABOUT THEM AGES AGO..(i.e. franz) SUCKS FOR YOU!), and The Strokes.

Dancing to my heart's content,


Monday, February 15, 2010

My Random Essay

This is my random essay that I (on Sunday) just sat down and literally wrote. I've been inspired by Lewis Thomas. I'm reading a book of his called "The Medusa and the Snail", which is just a collection of essays of his/his observations in essay form!! He's funny, intellectual, and expresses himself in such a way that makes you awed at his writing skills. (In fact I'm very jealous. Jk) But, he's one of those author's who you just SO WISH that you could've known him personally. I'm telling you, I'm a stalker! It's sad! I love my peers, but I'm drawn towards adults. I love them. They are beautiful. First off they're by far, more wise than I. Secondly, they have a profoundness (prob comes with the wisdom) that is easily reached by a chillun like me! Or chillun (i.e. children) in general! I mean what are we missing here!? We can be typical teens and just sit in our little "clicks" of friends, and gain what!? I have quite a few adult friends that I love and admire dearly that I LOVE to socialize with and can't wait to whenever given the chance. The adults are waiting for us to reach out to them, love them as they love us, and have them show us how to see the world through their eyes. By doing so, we trigger 3 things: 1) Profoundness in simplicity (i.e. you can even rephrase it to beauty in the simple things in life!) 2) Hopefully we can add some of their humor to ours (hem..I mean learn to be funny by ...ok whatever just disregard this one..)/their coolness and wisdom will rub off on us!! and knowledge might I add!? Basically we learn from them! 3) THEIR FRIENDSHIP! I find it easier to be myself in front of adults, then my peers at times! Crazy I know.

TANGENT MUCH!? Anyways here's my essay. I did what the real writer would do. I had an idea that was thrown at me by texting a friend actually...(the friend doesn't know though lol..) So what did I do? I made it a point to at some time in the future, sit down and put my IDEA to paper!! Plus with all the quotes, and intellectual observations of Lewis Thomas floating in my mind it was quite easy to write this essay! Here it is! Hope you enjoy!

On Reading by Elisabeth Darcy

Sometimes we just need to escape reality for a little while. The only problem is, where to go? A first resort would be grocery shopping. Your list would probably look something like this: Milk, Eggs, Bread, and dog food. And then you'd go shopping to escape the four walls of your house. Only to come back from the store with 20 other things that are everything BUT what was on your list. Bang goes that theory.

What about a vacation? Not enough money, or time. A girl's night out? Oh, yeah have to stay home with the kids tonight. I know! Somewhere quiet, somewhere peaceful, like THE LIBRARY!!!!!!!! You can pick up a book, and choose the perfect escape pad from reality! You can go, anywhere you want to go. When reading, anything can happen.

When you pick up a book something beautiful happens, something out of the ordinary, something magical. As you read, a combination of the book and your imagination starts to spin a web of dreamy magic around you. Once the sounds of ordinary life fade into the background, you're no longer watching the character(s). You are the character(s). You know then, you're sucked in. The web of dreamy magic has pulled you completely out of your world, out of reality. You become entangled in the web of dreamy magic in the new world in which you're in. In this new world where anything can happen, where nothing is as it would be in our world, where nothing is as it seems. This then, is dangerous.

The dangers in falling into another world is: attachment and submitting. By attachment, I mean you become so attached to the characters that you hate to lose them. It's like they become a part of you. When the book ends you're sad to leave them. it's like closing a part of you're life (i.e. in the sense that you're losing friends). You're sad to leave them, because you feel like you've only JUST become good friends! The second danger is submitting. How is this dangerous? And what has, "submitting" got to do with, "reading"? As a reader, you must submit to whatever the author has in store for the characters. Say one of them dies. What can you do about it? you aren't the one spinning the tale. You're not the author. You're the reader. Accept that fact, and let the author finish his/her story! That's the beauty of a book, it's not your story. It's a different one for a change. Enjoy it, and get sucked in!

When you do get sucked in, you forget about reality. You forget about worrying about what to make for dinner. You forget about how the sun decided to hide itself behind those grey clouds. In fact, the whole earth seems to have stopped spinning. Every fiber in your being seems to dance in synchronized rhythm to the beat of the new world in which you got sucked into. Everything's new and beautiful. There's places to go and people to meet and greet. There seems to be music on every corner of the street in this new world. When suddenly, something happens.

The kids wake up from their nap, and you wake up to reality. The music stops and the magic dies. You are no longer tangled in a web of the new world. Reality entangles it's web around you. Sadly, the earth starts spinning again. All in all, reading is by far, the best escape from reality!

~Lissie Darcy

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Creeped out, and favorite stores

I really like, need to stop stalking certain person(s).. I'm sure they're just entirely creeped out. With Dad and I, we have this issue where before people get to know us we just unleash all our nerdiness/quirkiness/humor and sometimes it can be overwhelming for someone who's only JUST getting to know us..heheheh :D In other words, they need to spend a day with us FIRST and then we can unleash the power of the force! MUWAHAHAHA! "MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU," "HAHAHA! SILLY JEDI!"..yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You, being my reader for quite some time, are now shaking your head in shame I just know it! "LISSIE! Coffee, much!?" Nope. I'm too much of a coffee snob, to drink coffee at home with our crapy (ie? double p, then ie? ...) coffee maker! You see first off cofffee grinds get in it, anddd if I'm going to have coffee I want it FRENCH PRESSED, and THEN I want some shots of espresso.

So let's just say STARBUCKS, MOXIE JAVA, AND I'VE YET TO TRY THE FLYING M! That's what I'm talking about!

Anyways, all this to say I drink TEA. At home, coffee when I'm out!

And now..favorite stores! Sorry, this is a rather random post! TOTALLY RANDOM!

Not necessarially though! Jules, Mum, and I went shopping last night. I've now created my favorite store list, and in the order as FOLLOWS.

2.Forever 21
4.Old Navy
6.Winco (best grocery store ever!)

Can I add a few? They aren't stores persay..

2.Jamba Juice
4.Mexican Meat Market! (IN CALI)

Love and Lady Bugs,


Ps. Happy Valentine's day! And more posts to come hopefully not so random ones!! And yes I mean more to come, TODAY!


Monday, February 8, 2010

Food for thought


YES I'm a dork, but I thought we established that one by now? ;P

I was reminded today about a bunch of convos my Dad, Mom, Jules, Jake, and I have had in the past. The whole universe is hung on words. Ever thought about it? Since the beginning of creation when God said, "Let. There. Be. Light,"...

With words I think we take for granted how important they are. We don't take them NEARLY as serious as we SHOULD. YOU have the power to save a life, or the power to destroy a life.

There's a whole chapter in James (..2..or of the two chapters!) about TAMING THE TONGUE. As Christians, we must be ever so extra careful with our words. You can do massive amounts of damage to a loved one, with words.

Words can damage someone beyond repair. Even though sometimes people will heal, your words will leave a scar on them forever. Once you open your mouth and say something, you can't take it back.

Christians, we need to make sure that what we say to others around us is always going to be edifying to Christ. I say this more to myself then to anyone.

I'm reminded of that song, "Oh be careful little eyes what you see..(and then it goes on to..) Oh be careful little lips what you say. For the Father up above is looking down in love, oh be careful little lips what you say."

Be on your guard, and go serve High King Jesus,


Cross reference-"hidden expectations"

So you remember a while back I posted a post on, "hidden expectations"? It seems like God's changing my attitude towards my Mom, even my Dad in ways.


Before I go on, I just need to give you a quick life status: Right now Dad is doing 2 jobs. One (as you know, or at least should by now ;P) is driving the big purple "Dry cleaning butler" van; for my uncle Shaun. Not something he wants to do, but has to because this is where God has him..for now. You need to understand my Dad, he's a dreamer. Like me. Like you, like my Mom (only in a different way), like Jonah my 5 year old brother, like those beautiful people you bump into on a corner street. Their thoughts pre-occupied with profound doings and sayings, their eyes a-lit sparkling, and you just HAPPEN to bump into them. The one glance you glimpse of the stranger is a rare treat, it leaves you wondering what they were thinking. What goes on in the beautiful, perhaps wonderful mind of that individual. What intellect has been implanted in her/his soul..

That is my Dad. He's a dreamer. Anyways. Job #2 is at home AFTER coming home from job#1. He writes articles for TONS of different people who higher him, all over the world, for their money-making-websites. And because of this we don't get to spend time with him as we used to, always. It's just a season of life for us right now.


So you remember a while back I posted a post on, "hidden expectations"? It seems like God's changing my attitude towards my Mom, even my Dad in ways. In what ways you ask? I'm thankful for the 5-20 mins I get with my Dad a day. Even if our conversations consists of his excitement over dreams he has. Besides, his dreams are what inspire my dreams. My parents dreams inspire my dreams. They're the spark that lights mine. :D I'm thankful for every moment I get with Daddy. It actually is making me more appreciative of him, I think, and the time he and I get. In those ways, I mean.

I've noticed my attitude towards Ma is slowly, surely, and truly, changing, by Christ, and through Christ! My thoughts consist of: "Have you had breakfast yet Ma? Can I make you something? (and lunch too), what do you need? Have you taken your vitamins yet? What can I do for you? Do you need help? What's wrong? Who are you frusterated at, or what? What's so funny? I'll take Josiah. I'll change him for you. Have you been drinking water? I'll make dinner, or lunch, or do THIS for you so as to relieve some stress..."

My prayers are consisted of: Praying for my Mother's heart, any anxiety she might have, any stress she might have, that God will bless her in the ways best for her, and in ways she might need it. And then of course I'm praying for my wonderful Father too: For lack of sleep not to effect him, for him to be safe at work, his heart, his anxiety, his stress, etc. and that soon he'll be able to quit his job he has with my uncle, and work for himself.

Prayers for me: My heart, that I won't grow bitter towards Dad because it's so easy to listen to the devil and my flesh that say, "well he's not exactly there ya know.." cuz that's a lie and it's a season of life, for my attitude towards my Mom, that I'd desire to serve Ma and honor her, that I'd quit wallowing in my sing and pick up my cross and follow Christ, that my eyes stay on Him, that I'd honor God, that any bitterness, anger, pride, selfishness, impatience, hatred, etc. would be plucked out and new roots would grow to replace them: Selflessness, patience, humility, love (Christ's example of love), brotherly kindness, etc would grow instead.

Long ago God planted the seed of faith in my heart, now I'm praying that the seed would begin to bloom. I'm praying that when the fire comes, I'll be fireproof, I'll still be standing.

SLOWLY, friends, God is at work within my heart! I've noticed a total attitude change-AND ALSO I've gotten BACK INTO the habbit of reading my Bible every day. I miss a day or two sometimes..but I'm getting back into that habbit which I used to be in..that's part of my problem. I've forgotten who Christ really is. I need to always be reading the Gospels, to keep that sharp image of who Christ really is, who He says He is. As someone once said, we tend to make up this totally different version of GOD, because we haven't been reminding ourselves who the God of the Bible really is.

Continue to pray for me folks!! And thank you ever, ever, so much for all your past prayers for me!!

Don't waste another minute, if you haven't read your Bible today, DIVE IN IT! Bask in the richness of His grace, and mercy, and who Christ REALLY IS!!

With that being said,

~Lissie Darcy

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Just to make things even better

SO, I have a bladder infection.

Dunno how long I've had it for but docs are closed and will open again Monday. Ma yesterday, bought this box with these little things in it to test (home test) if you have one. And I did it and I have one alright. No doubt about it.

So she got me some medicine that relieves the pain from the symptoms of a bladder infection, but it doesn't heal it. I have to get anti-boitics to heal it. But still. IT's really uncomfortable. But the medication is helping. And I have a slight fever ever since last night..(actually I thought I was coming down with something one night because I had a fever, Ma and I think that it was actually because of the bladder infection)

Also, I felt fine when I woke up and after I ate. But, then I felt I had just recovered from a really high fever. That kind of fatigue. Cuz the fever leaves you somewhat weakened. You know usually you have one more day of taking it easy after the fever's gone. But anyways yeah. IT sucks. I told Ma about the fatigue, and she said (which is what I thought too) it's because my body is fighting off the infection.

So I'm a bit tired. But I have medication and I'm doing ok!! Oh and a fever but I should prolly take some Motrin for that eh? lol

Pray for me.


Ps. Anyways, I'm going to the docs Monday-unless I start to feel worse. But the medication is suppose to help so the infection doesn't get worse. But, really Mondays are already SUCKIE as it is. Going to the docs just makes it THAT MUCH MORE SUCKIE. Erg! Or should I say, "BAH HUMBUG!"

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cool Apron Giveaway

My Presentation for Anatomy Class

Multiple Sclerosis

The meaning of "Multiple" is self explanatory. The word "Sclerosis" is a different story altogether. Sclerosis came from the Greek word "Skleros", meaning "to harden". MS gets its name from the forming of scars on the brain and spinal cord. If you think about how sometimes you'll get calluses on your hands, it's kind of like a hard scar..(only it lasts temporarily), but, in MS the scar/s would be on your brain and/or on your spinal cord. When we think scars in general, we think "oh ya got a cut, it healed, it's all good right,"? Actually it's not because if you think about it scars are the results of damage done to a piece of tissue in your body.

Multiple Sclerosis (a.k.a. MS), is what you call an autoimmune disease. Which means that the immune system under normal circumstances destroys foreign pathogens in the body, mistakenly destroys normal tissue. In MS the immune system mistakenly attacks the brain and spinal cord.
Multiple Sclerosis effects the white mater tissue in the Central Nervous System (CNS). The white mater is consisted of nerve fibers that are responsible for transmitting messages within the CNS, and throughout the body. The scar tissue, which is called lesions, form when the protective and insulating myelin sheath covering nerve cells is destroyed through a process called, Demyelination. Without the myelin sheath the action potentials distributed throughout the brain and spinal cord are halted or disrupted. The brain becomes in able to send or receive messages. The inability to communication to different parts of the CNS, and the to the body, causes the symptoms of MS.

Doctors still aren't sure what causes MS, but data shows that a person's environment can play a role in MS. Or some researchers believe it can be genetically inherited. Some scientists believe there's several genes involved genetically in the development of MS. They aren't sure what it is but they think some people are born with this gene that will cause you to respond to your environment in a certain way triggering an autoimmune response. Also some studies shows viruses linked to MS such as measles, herpes, and even flu viruses. But, that hasn't been proven. Ms is 2 out of 3 times as common in females as it is in males. It's not common before adolescense.

The four most common/basic types of MS are: (1) Relapsing remitting MS (i.e. abbreviated, Rrms). In RRMS, you'll experience an attack or series of attacks, followed by either complete or partial remission. Usually as the disease progresses, the remissions won't be as effective as they once were. You'll still be left with permanent symptoms. (2) Secondary Progressive MS (i.e. SPMS), starts with RRMS. SPMS is a second-stage, progressive form of MS. There's no periods of remission like in RRMS, and no recovery from the attacks. Though you may have relief from the symptoms for a bit, and breaks from the attacks but only minor. (3) Primary Progressive MS (PPMS), is found more common in men. There's no real remission from the attacks. You may have the briefest, most minor relief from symptoms but it's not common. This type of MS is really just a continual decline in the disease. (4) Begnign MS, is known to be very "slight" in the attacks. That's not necessarially true. It can be just as damaging as any other case of MS. You can have little or no progression after an attack with this type of MS. Although you can still function under this type of MS, you still may have slight problems with cognition (reasoning, thinking things through, etc.), and possible short term memory loss. There are other types of MS but they fall under the more "rare" category.

Symptoms vary from person to person. It all depends on the location of the scars (i.e. lesions on the white mater in the CNS) on the white mater. Some common symptoms are: numbness or tingling in various areas in the body, loss of balance, dizziness, weakness in limb/s, blurred, hazy, or doubled vision, unclear cognition, fatigue, sensitivity to heat (even to normal heat temperatures), muscle spasticity and cramps, abnormal sensations, tremors, difficulty walking, uncontrolled or hesitant urination, and in rare occassions difficulty breathing and even seizures may occur.

So what's the prognosis of Multiple Sclerosis? It varies with each person and their particular case of MS. MS can get really severe really quick depending on what nerves in the body is being attacked. Or Ms can be fairly mild and slow in it's progression. Again, it depends on where the damage is being done. The average estimated prognosis, is 35 years. But, there's been people well up in their 80's and 90's diagnosed with MS over 35 years ago, and still living normal lives. It all depends on the severity of the disease, it effects each person differently.

I'M FINISHED! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH--YAA! So glad!'s early in the morn and I'm going to go work out!



Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I'm desperate. I'm in need of some new music artists because I'm SOOO sick of listening to the same people over 'n over 'n over!

I'll take pop, jazz, blues, oldies, blue grass, irish folk music, some hip hop (if it's somewhat appropriate), light alternative rock, country, etc.




Hidden Expectations&Raising the bar

God revealed something to me, a few days ago. It came off so unexpectedly, yet it was made out so plainly and clearly. For onces I didn't have to learn my lesson the hard way. Yes! Thank you God. Now..can I have more of these "lessons the easy way"...??

In relationships you can't let yourself create these "expectations" for the person to meet without verbalizing them to the person.

Before I go on let me explain what I mean by this. I don't mean, "I EXPECT THIS, THIS, AND THIS FROM YOU! NO, I DEMAND IT!" I mean if you're going to meet your husband for lunch, then remind him of the can be forgetful sometimes. If you moved states away from your friends and family, and you wish they'd "Call you more" or "talk to you more" or "write letters to you more" so "you're not the only one pursuing the relationship" then talk to them about it. Don't just create these "unknown expectations" and expect them to live up to it.

On with my post...*unpause*

What happens is you've got these high expectations for someone and they don't even know about them. When they don't meet these "unknown standards", you're going to find yourself bitter towards them. You might even start resenting the person. The danger in this: there's emotions involved in all this. And it's hard to see your bitterness and resentment growing, past the entanglement of emotions. It's easier for others who AREN'T involved in the situation, to see that bitterness.

As a Christian you have 2 options: 1) Let love cover over a multitude of sins, and quit creating "unknown expectations". Or 2) Go to the person and tell them what's on your mind. Whatever it is that you think they're "not doing" that should be done..I mean if they're sinning against you then go to them. Or if they aren't if it's something as mild as "you don't talk to me anymore" then..ask them about it.

Or forget about your expectations and question yourself. Am I being selfish? If so how? Do I have sin in this relationship? Am I sinning against my friend? Have I hurt them? Is there something I need to ask forgiveness for? Etc.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never ends.

So if you're the one who's having to pursue the relationship then do so. Remember the verse above. Remember Christ! Over and over again have we failed Him. And not just in our time period but all the way back to the beginning of history with Adam and Eve. Yet God sent his one and only Son to die for us! He continued pursuing us, though we rejected Him.

As Mum and I were talking about some issues I was having with a friend, I had (w/out knowing really) created these expectations for this friend. The friend wasn't meeting them, and I had some bitterness and resentment growing in my heart towards the friend. Ma is the one who caught it. And so we talked about it.

As we were talking I was like, OH. MY. GOSH. I was totally moved by the Holy Spirit. I've been struggling a LOT during the last few months Mum was pregnant w/Josiah and afterwards too, with honoring her. I was struggling with, "Why should I honor her when she's getting so worked up over a little thing," "Why should I honor her when she's yelling at me..or having an attitude and she knows it," And "Yeah but I have to honor her because God's called me to do so and because in doing so I'd be honoring God Himself." Etc.

But I had realized I had raised the bar with these expectations I had for her, and she had no idea about them. I thought "DUR DE DUR" no wonder I'm having such a hard time fighting my pride, my anger, etc. It's not her, it's me.

You see friends without knowing it you could be raising the bar, forgetting we're all under the curse of Adam. We all fall short of the glory of God. We can't even reach God's bar of standards, which is the law. So who are we to pull out our measuring tape and go.."mmm..hmm...nope you're still a foot away from where you're suppose to be. Tsk tsk.."!?

That aside, Ma is still my mother. She gave birth to me for pete's sake! I was just as stubborn then as I am now..they had to use the vaccuum to get me out! She was appointed to be my Mummy by God All Mighty, predestined by HIM before time. I'm called to honor her, in doing so it will go well with me.

God is good. He knows your sins. He sees you struggling, He has offered to carry your load if you'd only turn away from your sin and quit with your stubbornness. Take your heavy load and give it to Him.

Pslam 55:22 "Cast your burden on the LORD, and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved."


Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Before I close..I just want to say I'm going to steal Mr. Todd Friel's line..and I'll hope he'll forgive me for doing so.

Go serve your King,

~Lissie Darcy