You may have remembered my previous "Love an Stalking" post. Well this is kind of a cross reference to it and a follow up to it!! Woohoo!
It just hit my Mom--and then afterwards I realized it (more so) too!! Let me start off first by saying I've been made fun of (more like in a jokingly admiringly way..if that makes sense..) for looking up to adults and making tons of adult friends--rather then peers. Here's how the convo went:
Mum to Dad: Too bad, like all of the people Lissie looks up to (/admires) is basically people our age.
Dad: What do you mean?
Mum: Well you know..One of the things she's looking forward to is hanging out with Evy Yadav (i.e. our Pastor's wife. She's one of the sweetest people..ever..).
Dad: *starts laughing* Oh. Yeah I see. I mean, "Come on Lissie, cant you get some friends your own age" (He was totally joking, and all of us were laughing..)
Me in my head: Yeah I pretty much stalk adults lol.
Me out loud: I know seriously!! I have very few peers who are REALLY close to me that I love dearly. (I listed them..) And then the majority of people I look up to as mentors and just plain flat out admire are adults (starts listing them)... I mean hey what can I say, they're all in my "posse". Lol.
Yeah sometimes I wonder if I scare adults or surprise them (I know I surprise some..), or if they love me back. If they don't oh well. They'll learn to love me, because I love
them. Once you're in--[referring to my posse] YOU'RE
in!~A quote from Confessions of a Shopaholic (Just watched that movie with my Nana, it was her first time and my millionth. Love that movie. I'm such a gal. :p )
It's true. Some of the people that I consider as dear friends are adults. Such as our pastor at our church and his wife (even though I'm still getting to know them. I'm sorry but they've already been adopted!), and my adopted Older Brother's Mummy. She's an amazing woman. I called her on her birthday--and wow. I won't ever forget the coversation. We talked about silly stuff, and about spiritual stuff. Or some of my blogging friends. 2 chaps, I wouldn't have known if it weren't for Dad debating on several other ppl's blogs about Christianity VS. Evolution.
The thing is I love my peers but I'm cursed. I'm telling you I AM. It's FREAKY. (ok I'm kidding) but I've learned that I can't cling to my peers as much because I if and when, I happen to lose them it hurts. I've had several friends I just lost--in the past 2 years. And it was very hard for me. That's the first and closest "hear-break" I've ever come to in my life. (i.e. I'm comparing to a heartbreak that a teenage girl my age, would typically have over a "breakup" with her boy friend. But, since we have different convictions/views on dating and having boy friends and the like, I've never had my heart broken by a boy. Thank goodness too. Life's hard enough without added on drama. When the time comes, I'll have my prince charming. :D ) Anyways. Yeah. And lately I've been having more, "drama" it seems with some peers.
The drama and stuff I hate that comes along with fellow teenage friends (that I've experienced)-
- Having what seems like life-long friends and then convictions completely change-and so do people
- Clicks..(is that how you would spell it-for this terminology I mean?) as in "if you aren't somehow involved in THIS" or "you don't like THIS, THIS AND THIS LIKE WE DO" then we can't be friends.
- Idiocy. Yup I said it. Plain idiocy. Well sometimes it almost seems as if peers are going, "DUR.UHH..WHAT!? What..was that something poetical? was that a dream? was that a profound quote?..annd what am I suppose to do with that? Huh!? Eh? Say what?" It's like..come on. Haha. I'm kind of making fun of myself in this too.
- FAKE*NESS* WHY..WHY...WHY..WHY x 25 do the fake people ALWAYS get the attention? Why do people BUY INTO that stuff!? Why does it ALWAYS feel like I'm the only one who can see it!? Or can everyone see it and everyone's just pretending? I crazy? (I know the answer!! To..the last one. It's I'M NOT. It's crystal clear--that person is FAKE. DUH. O.P.E.N. Y.O.U.R. E.Y.E.S!!) Which reminds me...
- Why do the attention hungry people get the--ATTENTION! And why, when given attention (The WRONG kind of attention), do they grab for it greedily...? Do they really crave attention so..? Are they copping out so as to get the EASY way of getting..attention? Not caring it's the wrong kind?
- One-sided-ness. Meaning you go a long, thinking you're friends and see this whole other side of them you didn't know..and then you REALIZE that "OH". It's been me, my part, my pursuit of this friendship.-Yeah. I've had that too.
- Gossip, and untrustworthiness, as IN..You realize "Oh" they talk about "EVERYBODY" Duh. That means as soon as "I" turn "my" back they'll go on and talk about me!! And that's lovely..I just confided all my secrets with them..because we're "such" good friends. And therefore, you mark them with a big red X (no make that a big, fat, ugly "U" for UNTRUSTWORTHY) and then the friendship downfalls from there. Oh and did you notice it's a "red" "U" *x*? IF you haven't watched, "The Village" well, RED'S THE BAD COLOR! HA-HA! I'm so funny's sad that I laugh at my own jokes..ok moving on..
Jealousy. There's several kinds I'm sure. But the kind I've known about are 1) Where if you're friends with ANYONE else other then THAT friend--they're jealous and it's like you've committed a crime against them for the simple fact that: you are a person, a person likes to surround him/herself with other people, sometimes those "other" people means "other" friends as in "other" "than" "you". AND..2) Jealous. Of. You. Why? You don't know. But..they just are? It comes off as that? Everything's a competition. Everything's a, "that person likes me B-E-T-T-E-R!"..and you're just like..okkaaaaaayyy what just happened here?
Yeah. It sucks. That's some of the "CONS" of having peers as a friend. I can't wait to get out of this "teenage" stage. With being a "teenager" comes: Awkwardness, *It's weird unless you're not shy *as in non-social* like every OTHER teen*, upholding education and being looked down on if you DON'T have the same high standard/view of education that "THIS" person does, *it's weird when you're the new kid*, *it's weird if you don't act like a typical teen*, *it's weird if you don't like boys* (don't get me wrong. I'm not opposed to saying, "Yeah, he's cute" but I'm not going to stare at EVERY dang guy and, nor do I look at every guy so as to see if he's "Cute" or not. I'm not always aware of them like "that". It's rare if I am. The way I view them: They make great older brothers..(since I've always wanted one!!), *It's weird if you aren't starving yourself to look skinny* (luckily not too many people I've known/met who are like that..:D), *If you aren't loud and immature in front of other peers you're known and marked out as the "mature..freakishly weird one", *weird if you're a homeschooler (used to this one!)*, *WEIRD IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE AND PURSUE A DEGREE..* WHICH BRINGS ME TO:, *WEIRD IF YOU DREAM ABOUT HAVING KIDS AND A LITTLE YELLOW HOUSE AND A WONDERFUL HUSBAND TO LOVE, ETC.
Need I go on? However..I'm enjoying my childhood and these days of goofiness, and laughs with my siblings, and running bare foot out to the mail box to check the mail, and pajama days, and running down to nanas in 30 degree weather to show her my new lavender summer dress I got at Target, and whistling/humming in the dark because I'm afraid of the dark, and all my free time to read and do whatever, and standing in 20 degree weather with pant legs and long sleeves rolled up so as to get vitamin D *k* (I thought at the time it was called "vitamin k" lol!), and drinking cup after cup of tea, and confiding in my parents (although this shall continue to be so even when I'm grown up!), and sighing and rolling my eyes when I hear the weather forecast is going to be "snowy"..shoot!
What I enjoy in my adult friends:
- Their wisdom
- Their intellect, and williness to share it with the *speshul* 15 yo *stalker*
- Their willing*ness* to listen to me-the 15 yo
- Their encouragement
- Their not mind*ingness* that I love them to death
- Their beautifulness all in all!!
- Letting me hug and kiss and play with their kids
- Inviting me over to tea, or to go shopping with them followed by having coffee
- Their advice
- The fact that I can express my dreams to them without having the fear of an awkward silence..or perhaps a burst of nonsensical giggles...they listen and sometimes maybe..
- They'll tell me their "dream" when they were my age, and then we can laugh
- The stories they have to tell (sometimes really funny!!)
- The time they give to it car pulling with it it teaching it-anything
- Looking at them and wondering. Just wondering. Sometimes the eyes reveal much wisdom-all you have to do is look. And perhaps ask..which reminds me..
- They allow me to TALK and talk AND TALK ..their ears off. But, probably because they know I know how to glue them back on. :D
- The fact that they can be friends with me AND with my parents. That's just cool.
- Their sense of hummor. So much more 1) profound 2) WAY less corny (most times ;P) then mine!! And my peers (sorry peers!) I mean seriously. I get a laugh at some of their facebook status messages. It's great!!
- Their taste in music..(ok well that goes with everyone because I'm always ready to steal someone's music artist1 lol!)
The end.
Stuff I enjoy with peers:
- Late nights/sleepovers
- Parties
- Laughs by the dozen about sometimes...nothing!!
- All nighters!
- The profound talks we have :D
- The understanding since we go through the same stuff
- The stupid stuff we do and share
- Encouragement and prayer I get from them <3
- The fun times we have together!
- The ability to talk about spiritual things as well! (even if that means with certain friends, I'm thankful for those who I can talk about stuff like this with)
- The, "I'm against click"ishness!! I said that
- Our funny debates on silly things such as "is tea or coffee better"
- Our sugar highs
- Our love for benadryl (..inside joke)
- Crazy pictures
And the list goes on. :D
So-if you're an adult and in my posse. I'M AINT STALKING YA!! I'm just admiring you, staring in your eyes like a creep, waiting for you to tell me a story like grandpa's do..but it has nothing to do with your age, thinking over and over how I "heart" you, wondering how I'll be when I'm your age and have as much wisdom as you, wishing I was more like you, possibly adopting you as a distantly related Uncle, possibly admiring your cool clothes, possibly wondering when we'll have tea next, possibly just thinking yur an all in all amazing person, possibly adopting you as my godparents, possibly mentally adding you as my mentor(s)!
(NOTE: I made the above paragraph sound creepy and stalkerish on purpose hopefully no adults were offended during the reading of this posts.-Or peers. I do love ya too.)
~Elisabeth Darcy