Thursday, August 19, 2010

Looking Forward To

Driving again. My Mom and I want to maybe dedicate a day to practice driving in certain areas. (like in driver's ed) And driving just to where ever my Mom happens to be going. (I've already been doing that much.)

School! I'm SO SO SO excited for school!! All new curriculum this year! I can't remember all of their names. But I know I'm going to be taking in a lot of literature; doing a lot of essay writing etc. Grammar, and SPANISH!! (Although I'd prefer to learn Latin first..but whatever. Spanish is on my list of languages to learn so I'm down with that!) Algebra 1 (yes I'm behind but whatever. grades don't define you, luckily. If they do--well you need to re-think your life.), a lot of history, etc. Maybe a sport or two..I don't know. :D I haven't looked into that stuff yet. We had checked a while ago but the fall stuff wasn't out yet. I'd love to learn tennis. For some reason I've always wanted to learn.

FALL! I love all the colors, the crisp air, and the comfy clothes. :) Cocoa on the porch! OH SPEAKING OF WHICH cocoa on the porch while it's snowing is magnificent!

Fall brings Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving brings..CALIFORNIA TRIP! I'M SO LOOKING FORWARD TO THE CALIFORNIA TRIP! MY OLDER SISTER JALYNA AND MY OLDER BROTHER DREW (WHOM I HAVEN'T MET IN PERSON YET!!) ARE COMING OUT TO VISIT! AND I GET TO SEE UNCLE! AND I GET TO MEET MY AUNTIE EMMA (from the Philippines! my Lola's sister!)!!! And I get to see Papa! And Auntie Carmen and Ate Maria (Filipino *relations*)!! AND TT!! YEAH-YA! I get to see some awesome friends!!!!!!!! It's going to be one heck of a trip! A very memorable one!

I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm looking forward to all of these things! School's going to keep me busy enough to make the days go by faster, and Cali CLOSER!

I do have to say though, I love all the new friends and church family we've met out here in Idaho. You guys are a blessing to my life and I love you guys very very much. You all are some very dear people to my heart. God knew just what we (my family) needed, and just who to put in our lives; some very special God-fearing people. Shout out to Nampa Bible peeps: I heart *stalk* you.


~Elisabeth Darcy

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