Sunday, August 30, 2009

Who's yo' bff!!?

I love my Babies.( Um..I refer to my younger siblings as "my babies" just so you don't get the wrong idea...) They are awesome. You know when your parents say your siblings should be your best friends? Well they're right. Or, partially right. Christ is your first best friend, then your parents and siblings.

I remember sharing a room in this small two bedroom apartment in California called 'Quail Run". Those were good times. So many memories in that small apartment. I lived in that apartment for like 5-6 years maybe? It was just me, my parents, and Julienne and Jacob at the time. My Mom and Dad had the master bedroom, and Jules and I shared the other small room. But, when they had Jake they moved to the smaller room when he was old enough to sleep in a big boy bed. Then it was Jules, Jake, and I in the master's bedroom. We shared a room for the longest of time. I think we moved out of that apartment when I was like 10. Point being, when you share a room w/siblings you build bonds. I think sharing a room is one of the ways you become best friends with your siblings. (Mind you I only said 1 of the ways. )

There was a period of time where it was just Jacob and Jules who shared a room (when we moved..) together and I had my own. I loved sharing a room. But, you do miss having the company at night. The soft, steady breathing of your sibling who you just got done talking with for hours when you were suppose to be asleep. I remember when we had Jonah, Jonah and Jake shared while Jules and I shared. Jonah and Jacob to this day share a room. Jules and I have our own room now, as does Jami. The plan is when Jessi can sleep in a regular bed, she'll move in with Jami.

The plans changed. Jess and I have a pretty strong bond. She can communicate most anything to me and I can almost always understand what she is trying to tell me. It's pretty cool. Jess is going to share a room with me when she can sleep in a big girl bed. I can hardly wait!!! I think because I'm older, and have already taken care of Jonah and Jami when they were little ones I can appreciate to a fuller extent the bond between me and the big girl who once used to be a tiny little baby. I don't think I've ever enjoyed the form of communication, the fun little games to keep that toddler pre-occupied as much as I have with Jess. I think it's because now that I'm older and someday wish to be a mother, I appreciate the relationship more. I don't know why. Maybe when you're younger you're naive and just tend to take things for granted unconsciously? I don't really know what it is.

I'm glad that she'll be moving in! Totally excited!! I think it'll be good for me since it's easy to be selfish when you have your own room. You know the whole "This is my room, my stuff, go out please" and sometimes not always "please".

But I'm so excited to have a baby brother!! I haven't held a tiny new born in a while. Well, I have a cousin who's a new born. But, he doesn't count because he isn't my sibling-ya know?

Today Jess was really fussy in church, and during the potluck. She is not a morning person. (Kind of like someone else I know *winks*) She hates that she has to get up early and not sleep in. (Hahaha..I can empathize...) She is still little, and therefore needs her afternoon nap. She doesn't like to eat on a big girl chair, but in her high chair. So she didn't eat much at the potluck either and she refuses to be fed! Probably because she considers herself a big girl now? Ha! Not yet baby!! You're still my littttttlle darling!! (Well, she always will be but, you know she won't always fit in my lap :( ) So after three crying fits (yes they are different from temper fits..) and an Ate who had a headache and felt rather like what a pregnant mother feels when it's hot out and she says "I HAVE AN OVEN IN ME!" Jess was ready for her nap when we got home!! (i.e. Jess was the oven ON me..esp. when she was crying they use such energy when they cry, because it isn't the soft silent crying. It's the balling like a baby crying...and their whole body heats up..and my temperature when from cool to 400 like our oven when baking!! AHH.)

So that's there's the training to be a mummy lesson for the day-what to do with a fussy baby who just wants to cry...? It was a good day though. And Jess is tough. She hung in there. Ahh. I love her. I might as well tell you she likes the men, because she considers them all "Daddy's" and so she likes to go up to all the men in the room that look "Fatherly" to a one year old (lol), and pat them and lay her head on them, and smile and giggle etc. It's really cute actually.




  1. Hey Lissie!

    Wow, thanks for sharing. What you said about sharing a room with your siblings encouraged me. I've always wanted so badly to have lots of siblings, so it's cool to read the thoughts of someone close to my age who does. That way I kind of get to see what it's like.

    Looking forward to your future posts,

  2. Hi Kiah!!,

    Oh you're very welcome!! It's amazing to have so many siblings. They help you be less selfish. It's like having a ton of friends, and best part THEY LIVE WITH YOU. Course it can be bad too because they see the worse of you but, that life.

    Hope to encourage you with future posts!,


    Ps. Is it just you and Isaac?

  3. Hi Lissie,

    Yeah, I can imagine that it would be so awesome to have lots of siblings. Yes, Isaac is my only sibling.


    P.S. I'm curious....What kind of church do you go to?

  4. Ellow Kiah,

    Currently we are church shopping. We used to go to a PCA church but..we ended up leaving it for a lot of reasons in which I can't say in just one comment.

    Lately we've been attending a CERC Church. It's a Christian Evangelical Reformed Church. There are a lot of wonderful people there. Dad likes the preaching. At this particular moment we aren't members of any church yet..probably won't be for some time. We made too hasty a decision to join the PCA church that we ended up leaving. So this time we want to give it time before we become members of any Church.

    What kind of church do you go to?
