Thursday, August 27, 2009

"The Candy man can.."The Government can"

Well which is it!? The Candy man or the government!? Click HERE to find out.

You know that old Willy Wonka song "The Candy Man Can?" When we were watching this video my four year old brother Jonah was like "HEY, THAT'S THE CANDY MAN CAN SONG FROM WILLY WONKA! COOL!" lol. It was funny. Anyways, I don't know how to get a video onto the post. So, I can only give links. Sorry!!

Much love,



  1. This is so hilarious! I saw this video on Tuesday, and I was going to put it on my blog, but you beat me to it! I think I'll still put it on my blog anyway. Hahaha!


    P.S. To put a video on your blog, you simply copy the Embed code from Youtube and paste it into the Edit HTML section of the new post page. It's pretty simple!

  2. Thanks so much Kiah!! By the way are you Isaac's sister?


    Ps. Yeah this vid is awesome. Thanks for the helpful tip!!! I'll have to remember that for the future!!

  3. You're welcome, Lissie!

    Yep! Isaac is my little brother.

    Yeah, I laughed so hard the first time I watched it.....


  4. I thought you two were brother and sister I just never got around to asking.

    My Dad was cracking up at it. He watched it twice and heard it on the radio, and still was able to crack up!


  5. oh my goodness!! I was laughing so hard when I heard that song! It's so funny!!!

  6. Haha glad you enjoyed it. Yeah my Dad came home from work and after dinner he's like "I have something to show you guys it's hilarious". We were all laughing. It's really funny but it's really sad that it's true about our government.

