Saturday, April 17, 2010

Empty Tank

Emotionally: Um emotionally I'm ok. :) I'm not stressed, I'm not depressed, I'm not over joyed..or extremely happy. I am examining, examining...I'm MEH. Or not even Meh..cuz that means indecisive. No, I'm just fine. Which is good..:D

Physically: I have to pee. Other then that I aint hungry and or anything. OH and I should be in BED. Too.

Spiritually: I don't have an empty tank.. or a completely empty tank. The meter is like almost on "E", I've gone too long of just LIVING. I need to dive into the word, dive into prayer and feed myself spiritually.

I had a really good self examination. I took this test. It's called: The Inventory of Emotional/Spiritual Maturity test.

My pastor is reading this book called: The Emotionally Healthy Church. In this book there's this test. [the test above that I told you about] He and his wife took it. My Mom wanted to take it. But Dad called her on the phone saying he was on his way home and they just got into a big long conversation. (They always do, which just means they love each other..and that they're talkative people..) She (Mum) had left the link open, to the test. So I took it.

[Blogger's Note: I'll give you the link to the quiz in a minute]

Below are my test results. It will make sense to you if you take the quiz yourself. Be HONEST in your answers, about yourself, TO yourself.

Part A General Formation and Discipleship: Emotional Child

Part B Emotional Components of Discipleship: Emotional Adolescent

Principle 2 Break the Power of the Past: Emotional Adult

Principle 3 Live in brokenness and vulnerability: Emotional Child

Principle 4 Receive the gift of limits: Emotional Adolescent

Principle 5 Embrace grieving and loss: Emotional Infant

Principle 6 Make Incarnation your model for living well: Emotional Infant

Principle 7 Slow down to live with integrity: Emotional Adolescent

This test was very rough. The questions really require you to self examine your self. I know myself pretty well: My weaknesses, my desires, my goals and dreams, my sins, my specific sins I struggle with, my gifts God has given to me, etc. But there were some questions that I had to really think about before answering, I had to really search my heart. There was some things I learned about myself as well, that I didn't realize.

The hardest part was looking at my sinful, ugly self dead on in the face. You really have to be extremely honest to yourself and to God when answering these questions. So it was a really good self-examination. I highly recommend taking the quiz. Also, the questions asked are definitely Scripture based. They give you (I guess I should say "IT" gives you..) references to verses after asking the question it's based on.

The test definitely brought up some good conversation between my Mom and I. Here is the link CLICK HERE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THE TEST I'VE BEEN RAMBLING ABOUT.

I also think that depending on where you are presently, in your walk with God, the quiz results can and will change for you as time goes on. Because it all depends on how you're doing spiritually, and WHERE you're at emotional/spiritual maturity.

Take the test! And you don't have to tell me the results, but I would like to know whether you took it or not. If anything, take it for the heck of it and you'll for sure get a good self examination out of it! I know I did.

Hence the title. I know my emotional, physical, and spiritual capacities, when I need a break, when I'm hungry or tired or need to pee, and when I need some down time with God.

This tank needs to be filled, does yours?

~Lissie Darcy

1 comment:

  1. Hm. Fascinating. I took the time to take this, but I really don't know if I did it well. It's hard to say if I was properly honest with myself... Sometimes I just had no idea at all. My results were:
    A-adolescent/child, halfway between both.
