Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Contamination!&Assumptions that effect our lives

I'm contaminated!!


Woke up this morning @ 5 in the morning because I started coughing pretty bad. Throat was hurting, eyes were burning, body aching!


But, I'm doing ok right now. I don't know if I had a fever or not, because when I woke I just took Motrin righttaway to get rid of 'em body aches. As my friend would say, "BLECK!"

Taking temperature right now.

Good news: I finished my Anatomy homework early this time!! YAY!

Bad news: If I truly do have the flu I can't go to A&P tomorrow anyways! RATS! And we're doing a lab. :((

Good news: I just finished yesterday, reading this book called Assumptions that effect our lives it's a must read.

The author compares early Greek, and Hebrew assumptions and then looks at the world we live in today's assumptions.

So, the Greeks didn't value life as the Hebrews did. The Hebrews thought all life had value. Or like: The Hebrews knew that education, government, and God go hand in hand. You can't seperate them. We see the consequences in America and the world today, of putting "boundaries" around God and His church. The consequences are: Abortion, Education without God, Deism, Atheisim, Evolution(ism..jk), relative thinking, and of course a nation that is being ruled by a government that doesn't claim "One nation under God" anymore!

We have to remember that God is God over heaven and earth. He is the God of the temporal, as well as the eternal. There are no "boundaries". Yes, the church shouldn't be leading the nation. However, the government need not do ANYTHING that goes AGAINST Scripture. Our whole nation stands on MAN and HIS STANDARDS. What will happen? Just like every other unsuccessful nation, we'll fall..very far and very hard. Unless we repent and America stands on God, and His Word again, then, only then will we be a victorious and prosperous nation UNDER GOD!

And there's my sermon for the day. (Jk)

PRAY FOR US! My Dad has had a high fever all day yesterday and now today. Pray that Mum doesn't get it. She said she's getting a sore throat.

Keep warm, wash your hands, and DO NOT COVER YOUR MOUTH WITH YOUR HAND! DO IT WITH YOUR ARM. Otherwise you still spread 'em germs! We don't need to get sick more then we already are.

Yours Truly,

~Elisabeth Darcy

1 comment:

  1. Aww... I'm prayin' for ya! I hope you get better! My whole family got the flu last week, ant it was pretty bad....
