Friday, September 4, 2009

Understanding God the Father

Dear Readers,

I wanted to tell you about a book I'm reading for school. It's called The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul it's an awesome book. I only read (as schedueled) 1 chapter every Thursday. (forgot to do it yesterday so I did it this morning) I wish I could read ahead, because it is so delicious! R. C. Sproul explains to us that to have a right understanding of God the Father, we must have a right understanding of His holiness. It effects the way we think about God, it effects our Christian faith! I know I do not have a right understanding of God's holiness. It's a foriegn concept. Well, not entirely foriegn. But, my understanding of God's holiness is of a little child's understanding.

I understand that God is so holy He can have NOTHING to do with sin, I understand that the angels bow before Him singing "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty". I understand that out of all God's attributes He is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, not "LOVE, LOVE, LOVE", not "JUST, JUST, JUST,". Holiness is the barrier between us, and God. We are depraved. Yes, we are made in His image; but we are not "Holy, holy, holy". Some people say the difference between us and God is that, "God loves better than we do. God's love is pure, without fault. He doesn't love selfishly as we do." Which, is true, but that's not the difference between man and God. (Well, besides the fact that He's God and we ARE NOT. But, I mean the difference in man's character. Yes, holiness falls into the category of "WE'RE DEPRAVED AND HE'S HOLY, HOLY, HOLY LORD GOD ALMIGHT"!)

I know that much. But, I want a deeper understanding of God's holiness. The more I think about it the more it is of a mystery to me. Of course God is inconprehensible so I'm only ever going to be able to understand Him as far as my human brain can, but that doesn't stop my craving to want to know more about my Creator. It never stopped Adam and Eve, who knew God probably better than everyone except God Himself! God walked in the garden of Eden with Adam!

Anways, it's called the Holiness of God. You can purchase it HERE @ Ligonier ministries..

Just wanted to give the link for anyone interested =)

Your Sister in Christ,


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