Monday, September 14, 2009


I am the only one in the family that does not like cake. There's some recipes that our family knows that are REALLY good. But, any ol' I'm such a freak. I'm a texture freak. Certain foods are just like UGH texture wise..

for instance, water melon I can't handle. Hamburger meet is rough and well...can't handle it. Chicken sometimes can get annoying. Altogether I'm a freak I know. I do like SOME things though I mean common.

My fave cookie is: Chocolate peanut butter no bake cookie.

Fave cake is: (the kind I like) Better than anything cake. (Oo I'll have to share that recipe, can't live w/out it!)

Fave dish: Mum's green roast. (Mexican roast)

I love sushi. I love velveta macc 'n cheese (dont ask..)

I'll eat pretty much anything except the few things I don't like. There's too much to list that I like.

What are some things you like and/or dislike?



  1. I can't stand eggs. They are disgusting and very mushy. agghh :)

  2. Really? I despise scrambled eggs. Those are the worst!

  3. I love Kraft mac & cheese, but I can't stand the velveeta kind. Funny heh?

    Also, I love watermelon! It's one of my absolute favorites. I can't eat any kind of citrus at all. I also can't abide the smell of oranges! Ugghhh......
