Saturday, May 9, 2009


If you clicked on the link to the previous video I had put up then read this post IF you've watched it.

IF you watched it I don't know if you caught this or not but there were 4 different character "Types".

1. Opinion guy

2. Evolutionist fellow

3. I'm uncomfortable Dude

4. What's right for you guy a.k.a. "The Relative Thinker"

Ok so Guy #1 comes in and admires the painting, sees the signature and acknowledges that the painting has a painter.

Dude#2 Says, he hasn't heard anyone's opinion yet.

Dude#3 Says they should have a dialogue about it and talk about the painting and get everyone's opinion.

Guy#4 States how amazing the painting is and how it just fell out of the sky and formed "like so". There's your "Evolutionist Friend"

Guy#7 Says, "No painter!"

Dude#5 This conversation makes me uncomfortable...he leaves

Dude#6 Thinks that whoever you want the painter to be that's who the painter is. THERE'S YOUR RELATIVE THINKER FOR YA!

Guy#1 Says he has 3 reasons why he knows that there isn't a painter. 1. "How can we know he (sorry didn't quite catch the artist's name...) painted the painting when WE WEREN'T EVEN THERE!? 2. Everyone is saying he didn't do it. 3. If "so and so" painted the painting WHY DOESN'T HE JUST SHOW HIMSELF!?

Guy#3 Says to just enjoy the painting while they have it, and who cares if the painting has a painter or not.

Guy#7 He comes in and recognizes that the painting has a painter and says he loves the artist's signature etc.

BOOM! Then they quote Romans 1:19-20 and Dude#1 and #7 are talking and Dude#1 says, "Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it's not there."

WOW! WOW! WOW! Why do these people not see that creation has a CREATOR!? Well, read the above verse.

This video was pretty amazing despite the corny aspect of it.

Much love,


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