Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Wanna Be Writer

So I want to write a book. I have all these ideas written down. And they all sound great and look promising. I even have this really big story idea. But, I just don't know where to start. I still don't think I have the idea that I've been looking for.

When I blog I get a trail of thoughts in my head..and it usually just blows up and I just write. And everything comes out. Everything I've been thinking, doing, etc. Writing a book is different. I need to just sit down and write. Just to see what comes out. My ideal story would be that I would just be able to sit down and write and have everything just come out like it does with blogging. But it never happens that way. I have a feeling if I want to write a story it's going to take work.

Whenever I hit a writer's block I can't seem to EVER get past it though. Outlines may work for some people but not for me. Maybe I'm just not committed enough. I know I'm not giving it my all. Maybe I should sit down and really think about the plot of my story and really plan it out and write out an outline.

I don't know. I'm complaining to you. Arg.


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