Thursday, July 1, 2010

The End Button

Once upon a time....

The end.

If my life was a book that is how it would look. Once upon a time..THE END. Ok. Maybe I'm over exaggerating. My life's book has some details here and there in it. It does have a story to it. I could sum up the story for you if you want.

There's this girl. Her name is Elisabeth. She's sixteen. She has 6 siblings. She's the oldest. Elisabeth likes to read, watch old black and white films, write, dream dreams that shoot for the moon, etc. Then the rest of the book would be almost like a collection of diary entries, only better. It would be an account of my day-to-day stuff. What I did in the 24hrs of my life down to the last detail.

When it came to fighting sin it would look like the intro of this post: Once upon a time..........

The end.

That's what I do. As soon as a fight begins I give up and almost immediately and just hit "the END" button. When really it's the beginning. It's like I go on auto Pilate or something. If there was a mute button I'd hit it and wouldn't hear what my Mom has to say. What? You rebuked me? Whaja say? I couldn't hear you.

That's pretty much what the end button does. It just ends. Or maybe the "prideful" button is more of what I should put. I just GIVE in. Kind of like "ah screw it". (I am aware of what that word means.. I think it's perfectly appropriate for this. That describes me giving into my flesh.)

There comes a point in life where you don't have the option of pressing the "end" button anymore, because that's it. It is the end. And it's your fault. You should've seeked the Lord while He still may be found. You should've listened while you still had ears to listen.

Isn't that lovely? The End Button sounds promising. Satan is a good sale's man. So is your flesh. So is the temptations and offers of the world. They're all good sale's men. They sell you on things like the End Button (in this case it's my flesh that sold it to me..) and promise you an easier life. That may be true. It's HARD to fight off sin. It's HARD not to give into your flesh. It's hard when your vulnerable, when you're tiered, when you're cranky, when you haven't eaten, etc. Our flesh is strongest during these times. It's easier to just press the End button and forget. And screw it. Might as well give in. Hey why not close my eyes for a minute? Why not take the hand of darkness just..just for a moment, that's all.

What happens when you wake up? When you open your eyes? When the lights go on? YOU SEE the sin. Hiding, running, (even in the DIRECTION of sin), closing your eyes all these things do not TAKE away the sin. It's there. You have to deal with it. You have to fight it1 You can't give in!!!

In the LOTR Sam didn't let Frodo give up! He wouldn't have it. When Frodo was at his weakest, most vulnerable moments that is when Sam intervened and pushed him, talked to him of the shire, helped him to remember the light! He helped him remember what it was to taste real food and drink cold, clear water.

This is what Christ does. Amongst the moment of the battle, especially your vulnerable moments and when you're being corrected He's there. He's intervening. He's telling you of the shire, of home. He's reminding you of the taste of His word. Of the refreshment for the soul of His water.

Don't press the End button. This isn't the end. This is far from the end. This, this is the beginning.


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